“The Heist” follows the comedic antics of a world-famous thief, THE BEAK. In his attempt to steal THE DIAMOND from the museum.
As a team, we wanted to experiment with mixed mediums of 2D characters in a 3D world. Which gave birth to an amalgamation of various elements, and led to the creation of this unique and fun short film.
Project Details
Team Size of 4
Hybrid 3D + 2D Comedic, and Action Film
3 months
Rendered on Unity3D using HDRP pipeline
Edited on DaVinci Resolve
Role: Lighting and VFX Artist
Assisted in pre-production, previs and research.
Curated 2D assets required for the various VFX used.
Researched and created shader graphs and materials required by the director.
Set up Post-Processing volumes and tweaked the settings requested.
Assisted in white-boxing and light testing.
Populated the scene with lighting.
Frame important shots with lighting.
Assisted in finding and deciding on sound effects.
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